daylight savings stupid question


New member
Sep 21, 2004
this is something I've always wanted to know. I live in CR so we never change the time. Do you have a missing hour whenever you change the time or do you repeat the same hour twice???

Just a dumbness inherited from the farming community as far as I know. Wanted more daylight to work in, so rather than get up earlier (or later or whatever) they screwed with the clock.

When they started it a lot of people were pissed because they felt it was screwing with God's natural law...

(I wish they would have won, I agree).

New member
Sep 21, 2004
LOL Peep. But what I don't understand is:

when you get to midnight, do you jump from 12:00pm to 1:00am?? or do you go all the way to 12:59 and then go back to 12:00??? do you get my point???

BTW, congrats on thos HUGE 17k
When we get to 2 a.m., we jump to 3 a.m. in the spring. Gives us an extra hour of daylight in the spring in the evening.

In the fall we reverse the process. We get to 3 a.m., we go back to 2 a.m.

It's easier than it sounds.

And thanks for the congrats. What a thing to be a "success" in LOL. Better I should have been a school crossing guard and crossed my 17,000th kid or something....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lol, or the #17000 bet you win for 1k each or something like that.

Thanks for the explanation
but not all states I mean lost girl...Arizona does not change I think...or one of those states...we get the hr back in the fall when we "fall" you sound like an old friend I new here at one time katwoman
one of those states...not sure te exact one but one does not change there clocks
Probably Montana, nobody lives there anyway....

I d like to see Montana lined like a football field, every couple hundred miles could represent 10 yards , and have Gigantic Goal Posts that can be seen from space at each end of the state...How cool would that be, perhaps a new Fox teivision series could be started from this!
Arizona does not change their clocks. I was also under the Impression that one of the Canadian provinces doesn't either. I am not sure which one. i could be wrong on that one. I thought Saskatchewan was the province that didn't change the clock. maybe somebody from Saskatchewan could answer that one.

arizona, hawaii and iowa are the 3 states that DO NOT change their clocks at all. this means that right now it is the same time in LA as Phoenix - but when we turn the clocks back - LA is one hour behind. this sets up an interesting scenario - for when LA is 1 hour behind - if you take a flight from PHX to just about any of the So Cal airports you arrive about the same time you leave. if your flight leaves PHX at, say, 1P you get into the airport around 1P. if you fly from PHX to ontario - you actually get in BEFORE you leave - meaning a flight that leaves PHX @ 1P gets to ontario BEFORE 1P. i am not sure about flights to vegas - but i'll bet that flight is around 1 hour, too. i know flying from a So Cal airport to vegas takes less than 1 hour - and most of that (10-15 minutes) is pulling out and in from the gate.
the vast majority of the state of indiana doesnt change their clocks either....the sourthernmost counties about a 75 mile radius changes , and the rest of the state for 6 months out of the year, we are on the same time as the rest of the state, for the other 6 months we are an hour behind
Actually, it is interesting that three states (and a part of a fourth LOL) don't use it.

This has to be one of the dumber appendixes around.

Right next to pennies. Let's move to dimes, and let's can Daylight Savings time.

Both cost more than they are worth. Like my small town, which collects 20K in parking meter fees and tickets, and pays someone 25K to collect the meters and look after the fines...
My grandma is old fashioned and never sets her clock back. She is always "an hour ahead."

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